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Prime Minister David Cameron speaks with HG Bishop Angaelos to offer condolences following the death of Coptic Christians in Libya

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For immediate use
16 February 2015
​Coptic Orthodox Church UK
Media and Communications Office

The Right Honourable David Cameron Prime Minister spoke by telephone with His Grace Bishop Angaelos, General Bishop of the Coptic Orthodox Church in the United Kingdom to offer his condolences following the death of Coptic Christians murdered in Libya.

Bishop Angaelos Interviewed on BBC Radio 5 Live

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Bishop Angaelos of the Coptic Orthodox Church in the UK has said that the beheadings of twenty-one Egyptian Christians "barbaric" and "inhuman".
He plead that "anyone listening" who is "infatuated by this glorification of death" must see that "these people are human beings".
He added that Islamic State have a "narrow understanding" of "who has a right to exist and who doesn't" and he believes that this is "dangerous for everyone".
This clip is originally from 5 live Breakfast on February 16th 2015.

Statement by His Grace Bishop Angaelos following the brutal murder of Coptic Christians in Libya

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It is with deep feelings of sorrow and pain that we received confirmation earlier this evening of the brutal murder of Coptic Christians in Libya at the hands of Daesh (IS). While every life is sacred and every death tragic, the particular brutality demonstrated in this instance and others like it shows not only a disregard for life but a gross misunderstanding of its sanctity and equal value in every person.

Interview with Al Jazeera Regarding Murder of 21 Copts in Lybia

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Bishop Angaelos is interviewed on Al Jazeera TV regarding the beheading of the 21 Coptic Christian Egyptians in Lybia.


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