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Satisfaction - Talk 2 - Pittsburg Agape 2015 Series

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In this talk, His Grace Bishop Angaelos, General Bishop of the Coptic Orthodox Church in the United Kingdom, uses the Samaritan woman as an example of how we can seek true satisfaction in life, and explains that through being faithful to our calling and in serving others we can all find that satisfaction in God.

The journey starts today

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In this talk His Grace Bishop Angaelos speaks about spiritual life being a journey that must start today if we intend to reach our goal of abiding eternally with Christ. He warns against removing negative and toxic elements within ourselves that cause spiritual harm without having a clear strategy in place to replace those elements with positive and healthy ones. This talk was given at the Grapevine Fellowship Meeting in London.

Dealing with the unexpected - NWCYC 2014 - Talk 3

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We often like to control every aspect of our lives, and struggle to place our trust and lives fully into the hands of God. In this talk, His Grace Bishop Angaelos explains the benefits of placing our lives in the hands of our heavenly Father, Who will always lead us down the best path for each one of us.

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